Welcome to my Social Media for Social Change Campaign blog, I am LUCY from ARMENIA and I am an alumna of FLEX(Future Leaders Exchange Program).
Please continue to visit my Social Media for Social Change Campaign blog. As a member of PH International’s Global New Media Lab Program, I want to start a movement which will help to make my country cleaned up.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I would never leave if I would have a nice place to live

Sovetashen means "The town of Soviet" . You might think this has nothing to do with my campaign but it might have ... Sovetashen is a place where people throw trash , literally everything . I've been there 2 times , I was crossing that area and I could not breathe at all. I made my dad drive faster because the smell was horrible even with the closed windows.
There are some apartments in that area , people actually live there.
When people buy apartments they look at the neighborhood , the street nosiness , what kind of view can they have out of their window and stuff like that.For those people , normal life is not normal any more because they already adjusted to living in bad consequences.
I found a really old but still new article using Google Alerts for my campaign.
Since 2007 there have been people who had allergic diseases because of the area they lived in. You can see more details here .
I hope you and I can change the future of the kids that live in that area,dreaming of the view of a beautiful park and a playing area.

Follow me and let's make the change we want to see :)

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